January 25, 2011

New Year Weight Loss Idea

*Some posts from January were not published. Here they are. Enjoy!*

New Year weight loss idea and more ... I am so sick of reading and hearing about how to lose those last 10 - 20 pounds. You get a load of ideas in January on this subject. Everyone has actually enjoyed eating over the Holidays. So we tend to pack on a few extra pounds. I like to read all the suggestions, organize them all, make plans about them, and join all the websites. I usually begin to eat a lot of comfort food the third week in January BECAUSE ... I am so discouraged that joining websites, organizing, and planning does not burn enough calories to lose ONE darn pound.

Comfort Tip - For Weight Loss:

Get a Pedometer. Go today. I just got one.
Get the one that clips on your belt. The guy at the Big Five Sporting store told me that is more accurate than the pocket one.
I have to tell you . . . this so beats counting your steps on your own.
Get the one that counts how many calories you are burning, too. It is around $15 and so cool.
Warning: It may be discouraging as you will find out that is takes A LOT of steps to burn that Starbucks scone you had for breakfast.
But seriously, it just subliminally reminds you: if you can't burn it, don't eat it. You will have to store it somewhere.
At this moment I have walked 2,948 steps, .93 of a mile, and burned, yes, fired through, blasted through, 115 calories.

Gotta go, it's lunch time.

Hmmm, haven't burned off my breakfast yet.
Note to self: google; delicious, zero-calorie lunch options

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