January 24, 2011

Blame Your Mess on Physics

Definition: Entropy is the quantitative measure of disorder in a system.

I just love the word ENTROPHY. Say it with me . . . e-n-t-r-o-p-y.

It sounds comforting. Try this: say it with a little sing-song sound to it eennntttrrropppy.

Now try shouting it ENTROPYYYY - doesn't that feel good? Ok, again louder.

Now give me an entropy cheer. Give me an E, give me a N, give me a T, give me a R, give me O, give me a P, give me a Y, ENTROPY.

And now let's sing it in round to the tune of America the Beautiful. I'll start and when I point, you begin.
Ennnntttrooopppy, wonderful entropy. I am pointing; Ok, now la,la,la

So in the time you have read this . . . . your kitchen has become messier, your bedroom more untidy, your kids more unorganized AND it is not your fault. That is why ENTROPY is so freeing! Have you ever wondered why you have to clean up messes all day long and it seems like they are the same messes you just cleaned. Blame it on ENTROPY. Entropy is the natural law of physics that states when things are left to themselves they turn to chaos.

I was so delighted when I found out about entropy. I finally understood the universe code and physic law that had kept my life in disarray. I also understood why it was a uphill battle to keep things in order.

So, don't be so hard on yourself. When your life is a mess, take comfort in entropy and blame it on physics.

Here are some important tips to free yourself from the entropy cycle:

SORT: Before starting ... tell yourself sorting is good and that you love to sort. Get some new, colorful sorting containers. Put on your favorite sorting music. Buy a new sorting outfit.

THROW THINGS AWAY: Be ruthless. You do not want to end up on the Hoarding TV show.
So, if it is moldy, too small, stained, ripped, or ugly - throw it out. Or give it to a good friend who is a hoarder.

So, there you go.
That's it. That's all I've got.
Ennnttrrrooppyyy, la, la, la, Ennnttrrrooppyyy.

Oops, gotta go look for my cell phone and keys.

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