Our blog is now at: https://comfortsilkie.com/comfortnestblog/
April 20, 2020
NEW Blog at Comfort Silkie.com
See our new website at ComfortSilkie.com
Our blog is now at: https://comfortsilkie.com/comfortnestblog/
Our blog is now at: https://comfortsilkie.com/comfortnestblog/
February 2, 2012
Our New Blog!
The Comfort Silkie Blog has a new home!
Make sure you're following our new blog for most recent posts, discounts, and company news.
Go see it now at: http://comfortsilkie.com/blog/
Make sure you're following our new blog for most recent posts, discounts, and company news.
Go see it now at: http://comfortsilkie.com/blog/
June 22, 2011
Learning Birth Comforts and Joy
Can women enjoy their birth experience? Can a man really help a woman in labor? Can birth be drug free? As a Childbirth Educator, Doula and Comfort Therapist, I have had the privilege of being at over 200 births. I started to teach couples the power of birthing comfort techniques over 30 years ago. I was a young mommy myself and my own experience had taught me the miraculous power of my own body.
I believed, grabbed on to, and leaned into the truth that this is my body, my baby, my birth – six times. To my advantage I had an awesome coach/hubby that took his training and position of comforter very serious. He even ended up delivering our second baby all by himself (Ok, I was there too and helped some) because our son came early and in 11.5 minutes! Yes, 11.5 minutes, with a previous labor of 33 hours, and a third birth that was 12 hours, oh wow, barn burner labor. The wonder of it all! Every baby has their own miracle birth story.
It is magical to watch a couple work together in labor. Most people never get to see this or experience it because the majority of couples have no idea how to work together during birth. Even if they attend birth preparation classes most couples do not learn techniques that empower them to efficiently work through the birth process. Yet, these moments, working together towards the birth of their baby, can be the most rewarding, memorable, and create deep ties of love.
I tell couples that out of their intimacy and love this baby was created and out of their intimacy and love they can birth their baby. I share with them empowering comfort techniques: deep comfort relaxation, comfort breathing, comfort imagery, comfort words, comfort touch, and the comfort of understanding the birth process.
I teach Moms how to trust their bodies. I teach Dads information and techniques that the male brain can use. Once men have the “tools” they need to be compassionate and comforting, they do an amazing job. It is so rewarding to watch the Dads transform from uncertain, underpowered, and unknowing to equipped, powerful, loving, comforting partners. His love and compassion has been clinically proven to be as powerful as a narotic for pain relief.
When you teach a couple how to really work together during one of the most demanding physical and emotional times in their life they learn skills they will use forever. Birth is about having a baby, but much more is going on. This is a time when couples can be taught the dance of love, support and comfort. This is the birth of a family.
It is a gift and a treasure to empower and educate couples at this truly precious time in their life. “Babies … what a nice way to start people.”
For more information about doula services and classes please email info@jeanelletroncone.com or visit http://www.birthandbabycomforts.com/
I believed, grabbed on to, and leaned into the truth that this is my body, my baby, my birth – six times. To my advantage I had an awesome coach/hubby that took his training and position of comforter very serious. He even ended up delivering our second baby all by himself (Ok, I was there too and helped some) because our son came early and in 11.5 minutes! Yes, 11.5 minutes, with a previous labor of 33 hours, and a third birth that was 12 hours, oh wow, barn burner labor. The wonder of it all! Every baby has their own miracle birth story.
It is magical to watch a couple work together in labor. Most people never get to see this or experience it because the majority of couples have no idea how to work together during birth. Even if they attend birth preparation classes most couples do not learn techniques that empower them to efficiently work through the birth process. Yet, these moments, working together towards the birth of their baby, can be the most rewarding, memorable, and create deep ties of love.
I tell couples that out of their intimacy and love this baby was created and out of their intimacy and love they can birth their baby. I share with them empowering comfort techniques: deep comfort relaxation, comfort breathing, comfort imagery, comfort words, comfort touch, and the comfort of understanding the birth process.
I teach Moms how to trust their bodies. I teach Dads information and techniques that the male brain can use. Once men have the “tools” they need to be compassionate and comforting, they do an amazing job. It is so rewarding to watch the Dads transform from uncertain, underpowered, and unknowing to equipped, powerful, loving, comforting partners. His love and compassion has been clinically proven to be as powerful as a narotic for pain relief.
When you teach a couple how to really work together during one of the most demanding physical and emotional times in their life they learn skills they will use forever. Birth is about having a baby, but much more is going on. This is a time when couples can be taught the dance of love, support and comfort. This is the birth of a family.
It is a gift and a treasure to empower and educate couples at this truly precious time in their life. “Babies … what a nice way to start people.”
For more information about doula services and classes please email info@jeanelletroncone.com or visit http://www.birthandbabycomforts.com/
Jeanelle Troncone,
May 3, 2011
Mother's Day Tips
I love being a mom. Having six children, I always get asked if I wanted a big family. I find that question interesting. Like I just woke up one day with a bunch of kids and said, "How in the heck did they get here?! And why are calling me mom!" So no, I can't think of one of them I didn't want. In fact, it is my greatest joy to be their mother. They are my treasure. It has been my privilege to teach them and raise them to be the wonderful people they have become.
That doesn't mean that mothering is always easy.
It is serious work and you deserve to celebrated.
So download these Mother Day Ideas and enjoy!
Helpful Tips for Distracted Dads and Clueless Kids
You deserve to be appreciated!
Put the Oooh … Aahh into your Mother's Day. Here are some tools to help dads and kids put together a wonderful day just for you. Print out and post these Mother's Day Tip Sheets
and expect the best Mother’s Day ever.
1. Mother’s Favorites:
Help them choose something special just for you. Fill out a list of your favorite things. Sharing your favorite flowers, colors, books, etc, teaches children of all ages that mother is a unique individual with special tastes. It helps them learn that gifts should be chosen with the recipient in mind.
Click here for Mom's Favorite List

2. Queen for a Day Wish List:
3. Give Mom a Day Off:
Sometimes the best gift is a little rest. Print out Mom’s Day Off and make a list of the tasks you usually do. Have everyone sign up to help with a job. They will appreciate it more the next time they see you doing it. The job will probably not be done the way you would do it, but smile and say, “marvelous!” You may want to use this list once a month to teach a task or use it on a catch-up-day.
Click here for Mom's Day Off List
4. Keep the Magic in Mother’s Day:
Mother’s Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants. It can take the magic out of Mother’s Day waiting with hungry, fussy children. If you would like to celebrate at a favorite restaurant mention it in time for reservations. Other ideas; a picnic lunch with sandwiches ordered to-go or a special dessert place.

5. Put the Oooh … Aahh in Mother’s Day - Everyday:In the busy life of a mom it is difficult to find time to connect the mind, body, and soul. Go to http://www.comfortsilkie.com/ and see gift ideas that bring luxurious comfort to everyday. Special 20% off discount through May. Use discount code: mom.
Celebrate yourself and enjoy!
That doesn't mean that mothering is always easy.
It is serious work and you deserve to celebrated.
So download these Mother Day Ideas and enjoy!
Helpful Tips for Distracted Dads and Clueless Kids
You deserve to be appreciated!
Put the Oooh … Aahh into your Mother's Day. Here are some tools to help dads and kids put together a wonderful day just for you. Print out and post these Mother's Day Tip Sheets
and expect the best Mother’s Day ever.

Help them choose something special just for you. Fill out a list of your favorite things. Sharing your favorite flowers, colors, books, etc, teaches children of all ages that mother is a unique individual with special tastes. It helps them learn that gifts should be chosen with the recipient in mind.
Click here for Mom's Favorite List

2. Queen for a Day Wish List:
You may love Mother's Day surprises, however don’t be afraid to share your expectations or ideas. Let them know how they can make you feel like Queen for a Day. Print out Queen for a Day and give them some suggestions. Remember husbands and kids can’t read your mind and may be oblivious to the obvious. Click here for Queen for a Day Wish List
3. Give Mom a Day Off:

Sometimes the best gift is a little rest. Print out Mom’s Day Off and make a list of the tasks you usually do. Have everyone sign up to help with a job. They will appreciate it more the next time they see you doing it. The job will probably not be done the way you would do it, but smile and say, “marvelous!” You may want to use this list once a month to teach a task or use it on a catch-up-day.
Click here for Mom's Day Off List
4. Keep the Magic in Mother’s Day:
Mother’s Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants. It can take the magic out of Mother’s Day waiting with hungry, fussy children. If you would like to celebrate at a favorite restaurant mention it in time for reservations. Other ideas; a picnic lunch with sandwiches ordered to-go or a special dessert place.

5. Put the Oooh … Aahh in Mother’s Day - Everyday:In the busy life of a mom it is difficult to find time to connect the mind, body, and soul. Go to http://www.comfortsilkie.com/ and see gift ideas that bring luxurious comfort to everyday. Special 20% off discount through May. Use discount code: mom.
Celebrate yourself and enjoy!
comfort silkie,
Jeanelle Troncone,
April 8, 2011
NICU Comforts
Bringing comfort to preemies is part of the Comfort Silkie mission. I have been involved with birthing mothers and new babies for most of my life. There is no greater joy than to be a part of the wonder of birth and the miracle of new life. The plan is for babies to have nine months in the most amazing environment that soothes them and supports their development. However, every year in the USA, 500,000 babies are born before they are ready.
Comfort is the best gift to these tiny babies and their parents. The medical and technology advances in the last decade have increased the chance of survival for even the tiniest of preemies. But the Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) environment and the journey ahead for many of little ones and their parents is not easy. It is hard to imagine the fear, stress, and anxiety that these parents goes through caring for their tiny baby in the NICU.
One in eight babies in America is born early. In the last two decades that rate has increased by 30%. If you know of someone who has had a baby early please think of Comfort Silkie as an avenue of comfort to them. We have designed some special products that bring comfort to both the preemie and their parents.
Often in our high technology world we forget the simple, healing power of comfort.
Our Original Comfort Silkie Security Blanket is used in NICUs across the country to help parents bond with their baby and create a scent connection. The size is just right for tiny little ones and helps parents feel involved and connected with their baby's care.
The NICU environment is noisy and bright. We encourage parents to bring in the Comfort Silkie Isolette Cover/Blanket to protect baby from constant bright lighting that is needed in the NICU. The brown satin backing that drapes the isolette helps to create a more womb like environment and less stimulation. The inner lining of the cover/blanket helps to buffer the many loud noises that are part of the care area.
Words of comfort have soothing power. This unique cover/blanket is designed to cover the isolette with special messages of love. A pen that can write on our combination of fabrics is included. Later the cover can be used as a comfort blanket for baby and surround baby with words of comfort and love. A precious keepsake.
From the beginning of Comfort Silkie our heart has been for the babies and their comfort. I guess it has always been the mom in me and my heart to comfort. Because I can't be the arms that soothe every parent, we hope our products reach them. I encourage them to use the Comfort Silkie Mini Pillow to hug when their arms feel empty and to wrap themselves in our comfort throw and have a good cry.
If you know of someone who has an ill or premature baby please let them know about Comfort Silkie. Do comfort in your community by adopting a NICU or Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Get some friends together and fundraise to bring Comfort Silkie to parents and babies who need the power of comfort.

One in eight babies in America is born early. In the last two decades that rate has increased by 30%. If you know of someone who has had a baby early please think of Comfort Silkie as an avenue of comfort to them. We have designed some special products that bring comfort to both the preemie and their parents.
Often in our high technology world we forget the simple, healing power of comfort.
Our Original Comfort Silkie Security Blanket is used in NICUs across the country to help parents bond with their baby and create a scent connection. The size is just right for tiny little ones and helps parents feel involved and connected with their baby's care.

Words of comfort have soothing power. This unique cover/blanket is designed to cover the isolette with special messages of love. A pen that can write on our combination of fabrics is included. Later the cover can be used as a comfort blanket for baby and surround baby with words of comfort and love. A precious keepsake.

If you know of someone who has an ill or premature baby please let them know about Comfort Silkie. Do comfort in your community by adopting a NICU or Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Get some friends together and fundraise to bring Comfort Silkie to parents and babies who need the power of comfort.
February 28, 2011
Flu Comforts
What you have been comforted with, you can comfort others. I just went through 7 days of the flu . . . so now I will comfort you.
If you do not have the flu or do not plan on getting the flu, think of reading these tips for someone you know who is sick. Make up a comfort container and heal them with your love. Fill it with some things I mention and special goodies. Change the world, comfort -by- comfort.
I am OK with being sick - for the first day. Kinda like, this will be a nice rest. And after all, I am sick, maybe watch a movie, catch up on a few things. I'll bounce back tomorrow. But as the flu got worse and I got sicker I realized I am going to be down and out for much longer. So by the 4th day I am crying and moaning and saying "I am sicccck." No one can really hear me because I am sequestered in my room so no one else will get the bug. I wonder if maybe I am dying. I think maybe the combination of comfort flu meds that I am taking to get sleep are making me delusional. I begin to reflect on every bad thought I 've ever had about anyone and start to forgive them to free myself of any emotional toxins. I WANT TO BE WELL. Then to calm myself , I think about all the people that are dealing with life threatening, on-going diseases. I think about how much I admire them and how they cope and ... thank God that this is only the flu.
So here are my flu comfort tips:
Warning: the following may be interrupted with messages of germ phobia in italic.
Get a plastic container to keep all your comfort items close at hand. Use something that is washable, as it will get germy

Tea Tree Oil. This a wonderful for the sinus and lungs. Use it in steam or inside a mask. Breathe in deep and of course be careful if you are using steam.
Emergen-C. Little packets of vitamins 1,000 C, 24 nutrients and antioxidanta, electrolytes, 7 B vitamins. Dissolves easy and taste fine.
And my Comfort Silkie favorites:
All Silkie Throw. I can't sleep without mine.
Triple Hot/Cold Pack. Really helps ease the aches. These are washable and just the comfort you need. Especially when you can't snuggle up to anyone without giving them GERMS.
Healing Comforts:
Back to the Tea Tree Oil ... put a few drops inside the mask and breathe in the healing.
Comfort Eat: When you are healing eat things with only ONE ingredient. In other words fruits and veggies.
Comfort Drink: My favorite healing tea. Guayaki Yerba Mate with 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids and antioxidants. Lots of yummy favors, organic from South America Rain Forest. And of course, drink lots of water to flush all those germs out.
Important: If you rent a movie, use hand santitizer before and after. EVERYONE who is sick rents movies.
To protect others: When I ventured out of my room I wore a mask and rubber gloves. Sound, over the top? Well, not if you are the mom of a large family. It you spread those germs, you will not get to leave the house for months, as this stuff seems to last forever. It will travel from person to person and you will be taking care of everyone forever.
I found coughing into the mask was very convenient rather that grabbing tissue and snotting around with it. I looked bizarre but I think it really helped. Everyone stayed away from me. You can get 100 masks in a box a the drug store for $8. Hmmm ...I am going to have to figure out some craft to make with the germ masks.
Comment with: craft ideas, or your favorite Comfort Silkie products and your favorite comfort tips.
So dear friends, I wish you wellness.
Comfort yourself and be the comfort.
If you do not have the flu or do not plan on getting the flu, think of reading these tips for someone you know who is sick. Make up a comfort container and heal them with your love. Fill it with some things I mention and special goodies. Change the world, comfort -by- comfort.
I am OK with being sick - for the first day. Kinda like, this will be a nice rest. And after all, I am sick, maybe watch a movie, catch up on a few things. I'll bounce back tomorrow. But as the flu got worse and I got sicker I realized I am going to be down and out for much longer. So by the 4th day I am crying and moaning and saying "I am sicccck." No one can really hear me because I am sequestered in my room so no one else will get the bug. I wonder if maybe I am dying. I think maybe the combination of comfort flu meds that I am taking to get sleep are making me delusional. I begin to reflect on every bad thought I 've ever had about anyone and start to forgive them to free myself of any emotional toxins. I WANT TO BE WELL. Then to calm myself , I think about all the people that are dealing with life threatening, on-going diseases. I think about how much I admire them and how they cope and ... thank God that this is only the flu.
So here are my flu comfort tips:
Warning: the following may be interrupted with messages of germ phobia in italic.
Get a plastic container to keep all your comfort items close at hand. Use something that is washable, as it will get germy

Here are somethings to put in your container: 1. Kleenex box - the lotion kleenex soothes the nose. Also available with Vicks - wow kleenex has come a long ways. 2. Lip balm in a tube. Stay away from ones you have to stick your finger in and fill up with germs. 3. Roll of paper towels, soft absorbent ones. 4. Water bottle 5. Germicidal Hand Santitizer - get the pump one to you don't have to touch it 6. Medicines 7. Healthy snacks 8. Magazines - throw these way or the next person who reads it will be sick. (My surfer hubby brought me two magazines the first day in the hopes, that having a moment to actually read the gossip mags, would cure me... Sorry honey, see you in 6 days.) 9. Trash bag for all the disgusting snotty tissues.
My favorite flu comforts: Here are some other things I found healing.
Emergen-C. Little packets of vitamins 1,000 C, 24 nutrients and antioxidanta, electrolytes, 7 B vitamins. Dissolves easy and taste fine.
And my Comfort Silkie favorites:

Triple Hot/Cold Pack. Really helps ease the aches. These are washable and just the comfort you need. Especially when you can't snuggle up to anyone without giving them GERMS.
Healing Comforts:
Back to the Tea Tree Oil ... put a few drops inside the mask and breathe in the healing.

Comfort Eat: When you are healing eat things with only ONE ingredient. In other words fruits and veggies.
Comfort Drink: My favorite healing tea. Guayaki Yerba Mate with 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids and antioxidants. Lots of yummy favors, organic from South America Rain Forest. And of course, drink lots of water to flush all those germs out.
Important: If you rent a movie, use hand santitizer before and after. EVERYONE who is sick rents movies.
To protect others: When I ventured out of my room I wore a mask and rubber gloves. Sound, over the top? Well, not if you are the mom of a large family. It you spread those germs, you will not get to leave the house for months, as this stuff seems to last forever. It will travel from person to person and you will be taking care of everyone forever.
I found coughing into the mask was very convenient rather that grabbing tissue and snotting around with it. I looked bizarre but I think it really helped. Everyone stayed away from me. You can get 100 masks in a box a the drug store for $8. Hmmm ...I am going to have to figure out some craft to make with the germ masks.
Comment with: craft ideas, or your favorite Comfort Silkie products and your favorite comfort tips.
So dear friends, I wish you wellness.
Comfort yourself and be the comfort.
February 11, 2011
Where is the Love?
Valentine's Day is Cominggggggg
I gave this cookie to my surfer husband today. Valentine's Day is not for two more days. But hey, gotta set the mood. I hope the surfer and I are feeling in love on Valentines Day. Other wise ... I will have to fake it. Anyone who is in love or has been in love, knows what I mean. Some days you feel it and some days you don't. That is why marriage is a commitment and not a feeling.
If couples were feeling crazy in love every day nothing would get done. We would all be having sex, eating, and sitting around in ecstasy thinking about how fortunate we are to have each other. The world as we know it would fall apart. Divorce lawyers and therapists would go out of business and the population would explode.
So there in a nutshell is the esoteric reasoning of why ups and downs are normal in all relationships - it is protecting civilization.
When you're wondering, where is the love? Do your part, go with the flow, and help preserve our world. The key to being in love for over three decades, as the surfer and I are: is being kind and patient as you figure out not, where is the love . . . but how to be love.
Be love and Do Comfort. Here are some tips:
Do Touch: A comforting touch can melt the heart. Hold hands, snuggle, put your arm around each other, send the message, this isn't about sex, it is about loving you. Hot!
Do Talk: Do know your loves' hopes, dreams and deepest fears. How do start talking about these things? Say you want to know. The surfer and I make a list and and share out loud. You maybe surprised. Then you can dream together and help each other feel safe.
Do Tell: What do you appreciate about each other? Say it often and mention it in front of others.
Do Time: Take time each day to pull each other close, look in each others eyes, and connect. After all, this person is THE most important person in your life. Make them feel like it.
Three decades and six kids later . . . I can tell you this works.
Do Comfort and Be the Love.
Where is the love, y'all come on
Where is the love, y'all come on
Father, Father, Father help us. Send us some guidance from above
Where is the love? The love, the love.
I gave this cookie to my surfer husband today. Valentine's Day is not for two more days. But hey, gotta set the mood. I hope the surfer and I are feeling in love on Valentines Day. Other wise ... I will have to fake it. Anyone who is in love or has been in love, knows what I mean. Some days you feel it and some days you don't. That is why marriage is a commitment and not a feeling.
If couples were feeling crazy in love every day nothing would get done. We would all be having sex, eating, and sitting around in ecstasy thinking about how fortunate we are to have each other. The world as we know it would fall apart. Divorce lawyers and therapists would go out of business and the population would explode.
So there in a nutshell is the esoteric reasoning of why ups and downs are normal in all relationships - it is protecting civilization.
When you're wondering, where is the love? Do your part, go with the flow, and help preserve our world. The key to being in love for over three decades, as the surfer and I are: is being kind and patient as you figure out not, where is the love . . . but how to be love.
Be love and Do Comfort. Here are some tips:
Do Touch: A comforting touch can melt the heart. Hold hands, snuggle, put your arm around each other, send the message, this isn't about sex, it is about loving you. Hot!
Do Talk: Do know your loves' hopes, dreams and deepest fears. How do start talking about these things? Say you want to know. The surfer and I make a list and and share out loud. You maybe surprised. Then you can dream together and help each other feel safe.
Do Tell: What do you appreciate about each other? Say it often and mention it in front of others.
Do Time: Take time each day to pull each other close, look in each others eyes, and connect. After all, this person is THE most important person in your life. Make them feel like it.
Three decades and six kids later . . . I can tell you this works.
Do Comfort and Be the Love.
Where is the love, y'all come on
Where is the love, y'all come on
Father, Father, Father help us. Send us some guidance from above
Where is the love? The love, the love.
Jeanelle Troncone
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