March 23, 2010

Springtime Comforts

The comforts of Spring; warm sunshine, snow melting, flowers budding, birds chirping - the world is awaking. There is comfort in the ongoing cycle of seasons. Each season signals its time of year and brings with it things we love and find similar. The comfort and wonder in the thought that someone greater than ourself has organized this wonderful symphony and cycle of life.

Embrace Spring and consider these life comfort moments:
This is the season for a dream that has laid dormant to bud forth. As a child I remember the joy of seeing the first purple crocus bursting forth from the snow to announce Spring. I think this season, that is so full of new beginnings, is meant to remind us to dream and hope for blessings yet to come. Even if it has been a long, stormy winter; Spring is on its way. 

So dare to write down one dream this Spring and how you might make your dream a reality in 2010.

May dreams and joy spring forth in your life.
May you be the kindness that awakens hope in others.

Comfort and blessings to you,

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