Yes, the comfort of new beginnings. I completely missed a Christmas blog. I had so much to share but life has been a little overwhelming. I can’t wait until next year to share with you all my Christmas Comforts. The reality is we are already well into January, oh yes, reality . . . so let’s focus on the surprises and the blessings of the New Year.
We shared with many of you that we had lost our lease on the building we had been in for 12 years. The news couldn’t have come at a worst time with the fragile economy and our retailers struggling. The future for Comfort Silkie was uncertain and we were looking for the Plan. (Jeremiah 29:11). We shared that uncertainty with you and . . .you were wonderful! You sent in your heartfelt and lovely responses. It truly felt like Comfort Silkie family. It made me feel like I wanted to have a Comfort Silkie family picnic and just have everyone get together. We could express our gratefulness to you and you could share your stories.
Oh the sweet comfort of new beginnings.
We probably never would have moved and now we have. It was a huge job and just this week we have phone lines and internet. Yeah! Our shipping opened last week and we are settling in and enjoying the new place. I have to tell you though, it was a nail biter right to the last minute. We had to be out of our original building December 31st. We were uncertain whether we could financially make the move until December 22. On December 23 we had to execute the lease and have the keys to the new warehouse in one day. The brokers for the building were leaving for the Holidays and would not be back until January 4th. Five minutes before they closed for Christmas we completed the lease and received the keys.
Then came the move. Exhausting, overwhelming, grueling, tearful, are a few words to describe the last couple of weeks. It was one of those times where you just put one foot in front of the other and keep going because so much has to be done. But in the midst of those emotions, that came because of the enormity of the job, was also the wonderful joy of knowing that Comfort Silkie could continue to bring comfort. So many of you had expressed how much our products meant to you and how much you wanted us to continue. You cheered us on with your words and your Christmas orders. A zillion thank yous!
Comfort Wisdom: The New Year stretches out before us with its joys and disappointments. Treasure the moments and enjoy the ride.
A few years back our family was going to Magic Mountain Amusement Park. The kids were thrilled and especially looking forward to the wet and wild rapids ride. As for me, as soon as we got there my mother instinct OCD “protect your children from all things wet and cold” kicked into high gear. I began planning at what time we should go on this ride. Timing was critical because if they all got wet too early or late I would be walking around with wet kids all day. I had to time the ride for sufficient warmth and drying time. Of course they probably wouldn’t minded slogging around but I knew they would have their death of cold. So, when the sun was at its best I began to yell . . . "it is time, it is time, get in line, get in line ... now!" I had everyone take off their socks so I could keep them dry. At least they would have dry socks in their wet shoes. I also, being the ever prepared mom, brought out the plastic trash bags I brought to cover up with. This brought immediate groans and screams of “dorky”. I personally thought it was a great idea and was sure every other mother in line was admiring my preparedness.
As we waited in line the kids and Greg were ecstatic. Yes, the wetter the better. Me, I was looking at the sopping wet people come off the ride and worrying about all the water that was already in the circular, bucket thing we were climbing into. The ride begins, the kids are screaming with joy. Greg is laughing. Me, I am busy trying to keep the trash bags over myself and our youngest and anyone else who will let me. The kids are drenched and loving it. I am holding on for dear life as they try to direct the plummeting barrel into every rapid and waterfall.
Suddenly, the ride slows and comes to a halt. We all pile out of the bucket, the kids are thrilled and jumping up and down and begging to go again. I am looking at them in their complete abandonment and joy. And it strikes me - I completely missed the ride.
I was so busy trying to stay dry and control the ride I completely missed the fun of it. I gathered myself up, ditched the plastic bags (well ok, I kept one to sit on) and let go; screamed, raised my arms, leaned into to the splash, and had a great time getting wet.
Comfort Lesson: I had the opportunity to go on this amusement ride again and enjoy the moment. But in real life, - if I miss the moment, it will be gone.
Comfort Wisdom: We’ll only go around once. Expect to get wet, make yourself comfortable with the uncomfortable, and … enjoy the ride.
From the Mother of Comfort: When life seems scary, uncomfortable, and unpredictable, don’t hold on too tight and miss the ride. Enjoy the moment. HAPPY NEW YEAR,

The best of New Beginnings -
my new grandbaby Laylie.
Loved this post! Thank you for reminding us to soak in the moments.
I so enjoyed taking a few moments out of my busy day to read this inspiring and thought provoking story. It is just what I needed to be reminded of what is important in life. Thank you and bless you, Jeanelle.
Beth Nordstrom
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