October 28, 2009

Amazing Internet Mommies

What a fun evening at the posh Fairmont Hotel with Kimberley Blaine who is the famed Go-To Mom of http://www.thegotomom.tv/. Lisa and I were there to celebrate her newly released book, “The Internet Mommy.” We ate, laughed, and basked in the wonderfulness of online Moms. Kimberley’s Internet Mommy book is an enjoyable, inspirational, and educational read. In fact, it inspired me to begin seriously blogging - immediately. Ok, as immediately as it gets when your life is as crazy as mine, the event was last Thursday. So here I am blogging away at Comfort Silkie in the hopes of becoming as cool as the amazing moms I met that night. Read “The Internet Mommy” and you will be inspired too.

Kimberley’s book tells their stories of “how social networks influence the way moms make money, view life, find friends, and raise kids.” I will share more about these ladies who work and play online as we are now BFFs. (I hope they remember who I am....as there was an open bar).

1. Lisa, Kim (
kimtracyprince.com), Lori (wellconnectedmom.com) Kimberley (thegotomom.com), Megan (twittermoms.com) and Me (comfortsilkie.com)
2. Kimberley, Me & Lisa.
3. Kimberley reading from her book.
4. Megan from

The Internet Mommy is $12.95 and can be found at amazon.com.
About the Author Kimberley Clayton Blaine is a licensed child therapist, and national parenting expert who specializes in working with children ages newborn to six years old. Blaine is the founder of the Web show at www.TheGoToMom.TV
and is the executive producer of the newly released mom blogger web series called www.AByteOutofLife.com. She also teaches Early Childhood Brain Development UCLA Extension Education Department. She is currently the Social Marketing Director for a Los Angeles-based Early Childhood Mental Health Campaign funded by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services.

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