September 25, 2009

Colby's Comfort Silkie Story

My name is Tyler and I am a 27 year old mother of a 18 month old little boy named Colby! I first have to say that I have a 13 year old brother who was given a Comfort Silkie when he was a newborn by a friend of my moms. When my son was born, my brother passed on his Silkie to Colby and since that one is very much worn out, Colby has his own now too!

I have to share with you Colby's story:
In late January 2008 Colby (then 9 months old) suddenly started having trouble breathing- within 24 hours of my husband and I bringing him to the doctor, his throat had closed completely and he was rushed to Childrens Hospital of Minneapolis where he was put on a ventilator. During that time, through surgeries and endless tests, there was little that my husband or I could do to try and provide him with comfort. Throughout the entire time he had his Comfort Silkie by his side. Since being released he is noticably more attached to his Comfort Silkie blanket! I have to wash it a few times a week because he wants to bring it EVERYWHERE and loves to introduce everyone to his silkie- even the dogs. Ick!

Anyways, Colby is fully recovered now and as I was looking back today at the photos of that time in the hospital- his silkie kept catching my eye and I truly believe that having it by his side really did help him to heal. Thank you for bringing comfort into the lives of people who really need it!!

Love, Tyler

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