March 4, 2009

Go To Mom Blog: Comfort Silkie Helps Women Cardiac Patients

The Go To Mom shared about Comfort Silkie on her blog. Kimberley Clayton Blaine is a national child development expert and a licensed Family and Child Therapist who specializes in working with children ages newborn to six years old. Her website is fun, informative and educational. You can view over sixty awesome videos on topics including parenting, discipline, baby and more.

Comfort Silkie Provides Tips and Soothing Products for Cardiac Patients

Comfort: to give strength and hope; to make strong.

Over eight million American women are living with heart disease. Comfort Therapist, Jeanelle Troncone shares tips on how to comfort your heart and keep it healthy at She also has introduced a line of products that address the psychosocial comfort needs of cardiac patients. The signature red satin Comfort Your Heart items provide Comfort Touch Therapy to help lower stress and anxiety, aid in relaxation, and stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal. Comfort Your Heart tips and products can be seen at

Jeanelle Troncone has been working with comfort interventions and products that enhance psychoneuroimmunology for the past two decades. She is cofounder of the Comfort Silkie Company that designs and manufactures comfort products for baby, mama, and home. Her physician endorsed comfort therapy products address a range of need from premature babies, birthing mothers, women with breast cancer, to aging seniors. The Comfort Silkie Company, established in 1987, is a San Diego business that has been featured on Good Morning America and in the New York Times.

Comfort Your Heart products include: Silkie Effleurage Massage Circle - designed to glide across the skin to help soothe and heal incision aches and pain, Satin Positioning Pillow - huggable satin mini pillow to soothe chest pain and aid relaxation, Satin Comfort Pad - to cushion surgery discomforts, All Silkie Throw - to surround in softness, Soothing Pillow Cover - soft satin/fleece comfort combination for healing rest, Calming Quillow - a cozy-up fleece blanket lined with satin, folds into its own pillow, easy to take to treatments Comfort Wrap - satin trimmed comfort shawl for easy warmth.

Comfort Your Heart products are being introduced nationally and are available at

Visit: The Go to Mom
Visit: Comfort Silkie

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