"Both of my kids LOVE their silkie. They both sleep with the blanket and use the smaller silkie for the babysitter and going out of the house. Their face literally lights up and all tears stop when ever I hand them their Comfort Silkie." - Amy
"My son is in love with his Comfort Silkies! We could not live without them and I pass them along to all of our friends who have children! Thank you for some great, comforting products!
amazing!!!" - Jen
"I knew I'd love these forever. I was in college in 1996 and a little boy I babysat for had literally over a dozen of your Original Security Blankets. He called them his "buh" and his mom would sleep with the blankies to leave her scent on them for him because he didn't like the freshly laundered smell. I thought it was the sweetest thing, and I wrote down the 800 number and company name from the tag. I kept it in my calendar year after year so I wouldn't forget these for my own future kids. In 2002, my daughter was born and I finally got one. I gave them as gifts for all the 1st babies I knew. Then I had twins. They each got one, and all 3 got Cuddle Pillows. When I stopped nursing my twins after their 1st b-day, I missed the cuddle time with them and their silkie little things, so I bought myself an All Silkie Pillow Cover. They're now 3, 3, and 7, and they use their Comfort Silkie things every day. And so do I. Thank you." - Amanda
"My girls got these blankets when they were babies. The best gift ever. They are 8 and 11 and still have them in their beds and wrap their baby dolls in them. I give the little blanket as gifts. You can't go wrong with this amazing product!!!" - Andrea
"My eight year old son wants a new blankie for his birthday. I had him feel different brands but he wants a Comfort Silkie because he said they are the softest. We even did a blindfold test and he can tell the difference!!! There are no substitutes!!! They are the best! Thank you for a great product!" - Tamara
"My daughter would have been lost without these wonderful Comfort Silkies." - Shane
"These were the blankies that were given to us as gifts from family. My children still use them when they nap. Love this product. My children associate these comfort silkies with sleep. They are a comfort to me as well!" - Elizabeth
"I have 4 children- ages 18, 16, 6, and 3. They have ALL been Comfort Silkie babies. I still have my oldest sons' special blankies, even though they are WELL loved, they will always be a special remembrance of when they were little. My 2 little ones still LOVE their Comfort Silkies. They have me spray them with my perfume so that when they go to bed, they still have a part of 'me' with them. Their blankies have always been THE thing that they wanted with them to go to sleep. I can't imagine my life, or my baby's lives, without these fabulous blankets!" - Amanda
"No baby/toddler/child should be without one!!!! These are the very best things around! Come in all sizes, fabrics, colors etc. Besides the fact the company is amazing to deal with!!!! My children are now 8 1/2 and almost 4 and they never nap or go to bed (no matter where in the world we are) without one...or two Comfort Silkies! I even have the pillow cases as they are soooo comfy to sleep upon...no matter your age! They make great gifts as I've given out tons and they're always a welcomed present!!!!" - Dena
These stories were recently added to our facebook page. Are you a fan yet? Join Comfort Silkie's page to receive insider news, discounts and be the first to know about new products!
"My son is in love with his Comfort Silkies! We could not live without them and I pass them along to all of our friends who have children! Thank you for some great, comforting products!

"I knew I'd love these forever. I was in college in 1996 and a little boy I babysat for had literally over a dozen of your Original Security Blankets. He called them his "buh" and his mom would sleep with the blankies to leave her scent on them for him because he didn't like the freshly laundered smell. I thought it was the sweetest thing, and I wrote down the 800 number and company name from the tag. I kept it in my calendar year after year so I wouldn't forget these for my own future kids. In 2002, my daughter was born and I finally got one. I gave them as gifts for all the 1st babies I knew. Then I had twins. They each got one, and all 3 got Cuddle Pillows. When I stopped nursing my twins after their 1st b-day, I missed the cuddle time with them and their silkie little things, so I bought myself an All Silkie Pillow Cover. They're now 3, 3, and 7, and they use their Comfort Silkie things every day. And so do I. Thank you." - Amanda
"My girls got these blankets when they were babies. The best gift ever. They are 8 and 11 and still have them in their beds and wrap their baby dolls in them. I give the little blanket as gifts. You can't go wrong with this amazing product!!!" - Andrea
"My eight year old son wants a new blankie for his birthday. I had him feel different brands but he wants a Comfort Silkie because he said they are the softest. We even did a blindfold test and he can tell the difference!!! There are no substitutes!!! They are the best! Thank you for a great product!" - Tamara
"My daughter would have been lost without these wonderful Comfort Silkies." - Shane
"These were the blankies that were given to us as gifts from family. My children still use them when they nap. Love this product. My children associate these comfort silkies with sleep. They are a comfort to me as well!" - Elizabeth
"I have 4 children- ages 18, 16, 6, and 3. They have ALL been Comfort Silkie babies. I still have my oldest sons' special blankies, even though they are WELL loved, they will always be a special remembrance of when they were little. My 2 little ones still LOVE their Comfort Silkies. They have me spray them with my perfume so that when they go to bed, they still have a part of 'me' with them. Their blankies have always been THE thing that they wanted with them to go to sleep. I can't imagine my life, or my baby's lives, without these fabulous blankets!" - Amanda

These stories were recently added to our facebook page. Are you a fan yet? Join Comfort Silkie's page to receive insider news, discounts and be the first to know about new products!
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