January 21, 2009

The Labor Comfort Factor

Published in The Bump Magazine.
From the moment of conception your body begins to quietly change. Two tiny cells carry the unique design that in nine amazing months becomes your child.

Creating tiny bones, teeth buds, little organs and over 4,000 little brain neurons is a lot of work! By the time you give birth, your heart will be pumping one-fourth more blood. You body will have made, and then completely refreshed, the silkie fluid that surrounds your baby every two hours, every day.

Ask questions, read and take care of yourself. Think comfort, drink a lot, rest more, moisturize your skin, eat healthy, because now... you are the mom.

Comfort yourself, preparing physically, by learning breathing and relaxation techniques; emotionally, by confronting your fears; spiritually, by opening your heart, and mentally, by learning about birth and parenting.

When your baby is due, your womb, the uterus, is the largest, strongest muscle in your body. The muscle fibers of your womb have grown two inches in thickness just to house your baby and prepare for birth. During birth, these muscles that surround your baby “labor” rhythmically, contracting and releasing as they shorten and openthe cervix for your baby to be born. Your baby was designed with this miracle in mind. Don’t be afraid of your labor. Your bones, muscles, and hormones, all work together in a symphony of birth. Learn how to embrace each contraction by breathing deeply and slowly. Relaxing every other muscle in your body reserves your energy, lowers your pain perception and helps the uterus to work more effectively.

Simple comfort techniques can bring amazing relief. Use an Effleurage Labor Massage Blanket to stroke over your tummy for rhythmic distraction and soothing comfort. Bring reheatable packs to soothe muscle cramps and cold packs for cool refreshment. Pack lip and skin balm for massage and moisture.

Your baby emerges from the quiet, soothing environment of the womb to our noisy, bright world. Don’t rush the first minutes after birth. Ask to hold your Baby skin-to-skin as soon as it is born, warming Baby with the Bonding Blanket and creating the soothing scent connection. Bring the Infant Swaddler Blanket to the hospital so you can wrap baby in a womb-like, soft cocoon. Swaddling has a calming effect on baby, and the wrapping style helps position baby for holding and feeding.

Be comforted in the fact that you are everything your baby needs.

Comforting words from Jeanelle Troncone, a Childbirth/Early Parenthood Educator, mother of six and owner of Comfort Silkie. She can be reached at jtcomforts@gmail.com or www.comfortsilkie.com.

©Jeanelle Troncone 2009. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without written permission.

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